Long COVID Psychology
Long COVID (or post-COVID syndrome) is characterised by the persistence or development of symptoms associated with the COVID-19 infection. Symptoms are variable and can include severe fatigue, sleep problems, difficulties with cognition (or “brain fog”), shortness of breath, joint or muscle pain, anxiety and depression, and changes in appetite, as well as other symptoms.
Many people with Long COVID experience psychological distress. The reasons for this are unique to every person with Long COVID but common themes include the isolation that comes with living with an “invisible” condition, multiple losses including health, roles and finances, and living with persistent physical symptoms.
What does the Long COVID psychology service offer?
The aim of the Long COVID psychology service is to help people to manage distress associated with Long COVID.
The service provides psychological assessment and support for patients experiencing significant distress associated with Long COVID. Patients referred to this service are offered an assessment to explore their current difficulties. In this initial appointment a collaborative plan is developed with the psychologist to support patients with their psychosocial needs. This may involve individual therapy or group based programmes in the Long COVID psychology service, other community services and/or the private sector.
Within the service short-term individual therapy (approximately 6 sessions) can be provided, to work on specific goals relating to managing distress associated with symptoms of Long COVID.
The Long COVID psychology service also offers a 6-week group called “Coping Compassionately with Long COVID”. The aims of this group is to help people with Long COVID to (1) learn strategies to manage symptoms, (2) learn skills that can help them to relate to their struggles with compassion, and (3) gain mutual support from other patients with Long COVID.
How to access this service
Referral to the Long COVID Psychology Service is facilitated through the Long COVID clinic at St. Vincent’s University Hospital (SVUH).
Links you might find helpful:
HSE Guide to Living with Long COVID
HSE Living Well Programme
The SVUH Long COVID Self-management booklet
Guys and St Thomas’ Hospital self-management guides co-created with Long COVID patients
Breath retraining guide for those with ongoing difficulties with shortness of breath
Self Help – Physiotherapy for breathing pattern disorders (physiotherapyforbpd.org.uk)
Understanding persistent pain
Pain Toolkit – Pain Self Management by Pete Moore
Tame The Beast — It’s time to rethink persistent pain – YouTube
Cognition and Brain Fog
Understanding Cognitive Problems in Long COVID-19_Geoff Hill (youtube.com)