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Telephone Directory

General Listing (all hospital departments and wards)

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  • Accounts (Creditors)  (01) 221 5040
  • Accounts (Patient)  (01) 221 4439
  • Acute Care Unit (ACU)  (01) 221 4194
  • Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU)  (01) 221 3669
  • Acute Medical Unit (AMU)  (01) 221 3653
  • Acute Surgical Unit (ASU)  (01) 221 3364
  • Admissions  (01) 221 4829
  • Admissions Lounge  (01) 221 4042
  • St. Agnes’ Ward  (01) 221 5208
  • Ambulatory Day Care Centre (ADCC)  (01) 221 4991
  • Ambulatory Day Care Centre (ADCC) Procedure Room  (01) 221 4389
  • St. Andrew’s Ward  (01) 221 4048
  • St. Anne’s Day Services  (01) 221 4575
  • St. Anne’s Day Ward  (01) 221 4575
  • St. Anne’s Inpatient Ward  (01) 221 4222
  • Anticoagulant (Warfarin) Monitoring Service  (01) 221 4153


  • Bed Management  (01) 221 4669
  • Blood Tests  (01) 221 4590
  • Bone and Joint (Reception)  (01) 221 4779
  • Bone Density Scanning  (01) 221 4138
  • Breast Clinic  (01) 221 3778
  • St. Brigid’s Ward, Beds (1-10)  (01) 221 4786
  • St. Brigid’s Ward, Beds (11-21)  (01) 221 4511


  • Cancer Support Centre  (01) 221 3317
  • Cardiac Rehabilitation  (01) 221 4957
  • Cardiology/ Cardiac Department  (01) 221 3663
  • Cardio-Thoracic  (01) 221 4089
  • Cardiology (Stepdown)  (01) 221 4645
  • Carew House, Medicine for the Elderly  (01) 221 4876 / 4150
  • St. Charles’ Ward  (01) 221 5346
  • St. Christopher’s Day Ward  (01) 221 6198
  • St. Christopher’s Inpatient Ward  (01) 221 3274
  • Coronary Care Unit (CCU)  (01) 221 4235
  • Cystic Fibrosis Unit (National Adult Cystic Fibrosis Centre)  (01) 221 3611


  • Dermatology Appointments  (01) 221 3265 / 3267 / 4189
  • Dermatology Reception  (01) 221 4189
  • Dermatology (Treatment Area)  (01) 221 3688
  • Diabetes Day Centre  (01) 221 3105 / 4527
  • Dialysis Unit  (01) 221 4493


  • ECG  (01) 221 3663 / 4381
  • Education & Research Centre  (01) 221 4910
  • EEG / EMG  (01) 221 4412
  • Elm Mount Unit  (01) 221 3900
  • Elm Mount Day Hospital  (01) 221 4623
  • Emergency Department (GP Liaison)  (01) 221 4819
  • Emergency Department Reception  (01) 221 4358
  • Endoscopy  (01) 221 4599
  • ENT  (01) 221 4991


  • Facsimile (Main Hospital)  (01) 221 4001
  • Freedom of Information (FOI)  (01) 221 5020


  • St. Helen’s Ward  (01) 221 6585
  • Hepatitis C Clinic  (01) 221 4713
  • Hepatobiliary (Clinical Nurse Specialists)  (01) 221 3767 / 3537
  • Human Resources Business Services  (01) 221 6062
  • Human Resources Medical Workforce  (01) 221 6047


  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)  (01) 221 4401
  • Intensive Care Unit (ICU)  (01) 221 4218


  • St. James’ Ward  (01) 221 4359
  • St. Joseph’s Ward  (01) 221 4547


  • Laboratories (Pathology Reception) (01) 221 4590
  • St. Laurence’s Ward  (01) 221 4297
  • Library  (01) 221 4921
  • Liver Unit (National Liver Transplant Centre)  (01) 221 4855 / 4248
  • St. Lucy’s Ward  (01) 221 4700
  • St. Luke’s 1  (01) 221 3398
  • St. Luke’s 2  (01) 221 4503


  • St. Mark’s Ward  (01) 221 4217
  • Medicine for Older Adults  (01) 221 4584 / 4549
  • Medical Social Work  (01) 221 4286
  • St. Michaels Ward  (01) 221 5403
  • St. Monica’s Ward  (01) 221 3627
  • Mortuary  (01) 221 4238


  • Neurology (Reception)  (01) 221 3830
  • Neurology (Nurses’ base)  (01) 221 3831
  • Neurophysiology  (01) 221 4412
  • National Cancer Registry  (01) 221 4730
  • Nurse Education Centre  (01) 221 4716
  • Nursing Administration  (01) 221 3414 / 3415
  • Nursing Salaries  (01) 221 3619
  • Nutrition & Dietetics  (01) 221 4225


  • Occupational Health  (01) 221 4320
  • Occupational Therapy  (01) 221 4769
  • Occupational Therapy (Appointments)  (01) 221 4864
  • Oncology  (01) 221 4894
  • Our Lady’s Ward  (01) 221 4334
  • Outpatient Clinics  (01) 221 4991


  • Pain Management Unit  (01) 221 3699
  • Pancreas Transplant (Coordinators)  (01) 221 3358 / 4737
  • Pathology Reception  (01) 221 4590
  • St. Patrick’s Ward  (01) 221 4465
  • St. Paul’s Ward  (01) 221 4279
  • Pharmacy  (01) 221 4518
  • Phlebotomy  (01) 221 4590
  • Physiotherapy  (01) 221 4467
  • Plastic Appointments  (01) 221 4991
  • Preventive Medicine and Health Promotion (01) 221 958
  • Psychiatry of Old Age  (01) 221 4884
  • Psychiatry  (01) 221 3900
  • Psychiatry Appointments  (01) 221 4627 / 4228
  • Pulmonary Laboratory  (01) 221 3702
  • Purchasing  (01) 221 4878


  • Radiology  (01) 221 4992


  • Suite 1 Reception  (01) 221 3035 / 3036
  • Suite 2 Reception  (01) 221 3998
  • Suite 3 Reception  (01) 221 3056 / 3057
  • Suite 4 Reception  (01) 221 3079 / 3080
  • Suite 5 Reception  (01) 221 6100
  • Salaries  (01) 221 4240
  • Shop  (01) 221 4644
  • Sleep Laboratory  (01) 221 4434
  • Social Work  (01) 221 4286
  • Speech and Language Therapy  (01) 221 4859
  • Speech and Language Therapy Appointments  (01) 221 4864
  • Surgical Professorial Unit  (01) 221 5124


  • TB Clinic  (01) 221 4896
  • Technical Services  (01) 221 4586
  • Transitional Care Unit (TCU)  (01) 221 3170


  • Urodynamics  (01) 221 4601
  • Urology  (01) 221 3055


  • Vascular Laboratory  (01) 221 4227
  • St. Vincent’s Ward  (01) 221 4485


  • Waiting List  (01) 221 4158


  • X-Ray  (01) 221 4992